The Soldier Project 6.0


Wednesday - 4 days after the assault

7 soldiers remaining of which the scaffold of 3, 2 upside down, one hiding in a construction site and the last one proudly protecting the entrance of a street next to the comic shop nearby. There is also the remainings of another that was cutted in half during an obvious attack but still marks the place like a guardian in red.



The Soldier Project 5.0

Taking it to the streets
Saturday 25th, between 4 and 5 am

Roaming the streets. The thing that was supposed to be a pretty simple task became far more interesting due to the curious fauna Lisbon presents when the night unfolds and soon comes the dawn. I had to deal with an hungry whore, cocaine dealers, angry taxi drivers, an drunk englishman dressed as a penguin, garbage scavengers and suspicious police folk. Also after placing the first group of 4 soldiers and soon after finishing taking pictures of the second one I found myself with a group of 6 spaniards taking a loot of my first batallion. No biggie - they where placed to take as recuerdo afterall ;)


The Soldier Project 4.0

First Urban Assault

First nocturn safari around the streets of downtown Lisbon. 15 soldiers placed between Cais and Santa Catarina on the axis Cais - Flores - Bairro Alto - Bica - Santa Catarina. One single column of 4 and several doubles, an scaffold of 3 and several lonely troops scattered around the block. First move interrupted due to the unexpected lack of bat in the photo gear. Photos resumed as follow. Enjoy.


The tagliatelle assault - before taking the fight to the streets ;)


The Soldier Project 3.0

The Soldier Project 2.0

The Soldier Project 1.0

I'v started the The Soldier Project back in Bristol July 2009 after purchasing a pack of tiny troops from a saleswoman in the Saint Nicholas market. This is the first step to assume other travels in wider and more ambitious projects in the streets. Wait for the pieces - enjoy and follow ;)



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