Light Art 1.0

The first tryout. Lets see where this is taking me - I assure that no animals where wounded on the construction of this (I wouldn't say quite the same if the velociraptor was still walking nowadays) ;)


The Soldier Project 8.0

The Fall of the Empire

From Monday 3rd until Saturday 8th

The troops rendered at Vienna for the first conquest of many-to-come of the largest european cities. From infiltrating into the sweet confinement of a gift box and an info pole - to the intrusion on the dense jungle of a vase and the slacklining on a yellow bench - to a amphibious assault to the Messepalast.

Together with all the intervention on the Museum Quartier, the troops still advanced to the Stiftskirche and far as Penzig where they dwelled between rubble and DVDs on an videostore. Time was enough to take the tram 58 and to conquer the forest on the Cafe West End on Westbahnhof.

The army is again on the move.


(a) with notable assistance by statamater

The Soldier Project 7.0

Jumping borders

Monday 3rd, between 11am and 4pm

The proud Little Big City of Brati, former Pressburg and court of the hungarians for hundreds of years and now capital of the slovakians, coasted on the shores of the Danube represented easy prey for the squadron of seven soldiers planted around the center.

Two guarding the castle gazing the river and several others scattered downtown - or under the chin of Hans Christian Andersen or around the narrow streets of the burg. The movement of the troops was made under a light rain of August.

Next move : Vienna.


(a) with the collaboration of statamater

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